ISEKI-Food 2021 - Facts and figures
The ISEKI-Food 2021 was successfully held online from 23 - 25 June 2021.
The 6th ISEKI-Food Conference with the title: “Sustainable Development Goals in Food Systems – Challenges and Opportunities for the Future” is history now. Although we had to postpone the originally planned ISEKI-Food 2020 from being held in beautiful Cyprus to an ONLINE event in 2021, we are more than happy that we could welcome almost 200 participants.
193 abstracts have been submitted and the Scientific Committee selected 144 poster and 49 oral presentations and together with
11 Invited speakers the ISEKI-Food 2021 was a huge success. 5 Poster and 1 Oral Awards have been given to Early Stage Researchers which you can find on the awards page.
We would like to thank you for participating and presenting, we really appreciate your contribution.
We do hope that we will stay in contact and maybe we will have the opportunity to meet in presence
in the near future (ISEKI-Food 2023 in Paris.
The Organizing Committee of the ISEKI-Food 2021
Book of abstracts and certificates will be available for downloading soon!
The ISEKI-Food Association (European Association for Integrating Food Science and Engineering Knowledge Into the Food Chain) is organising the 6th International ISEKI-Food Conference (ISEKI-Food 2021) to be held ONLINE 23-25 June 2021 and will explore the theme:
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development issued by the United Nations and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call all actors of our society to commit, at all levels, to identify, develop and apply appropriate actions to contribute to the main societal and environmental issues.
Development and innovation strategies are required to sustainably increase agricultural and food production, to improve global supply chains, to decrease food losses and waste, to diminish environmental impact, to save energy and to ensure nutritious and safe food for all worldwide.
This conference aims to promote a wide and constructive discussion on the current status and achievements of the SDGs.
The Chairs of the Scientific & Organising Committee look forward to welcoming you at the ISEKI-Food 2021!